Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am just sitting here realizing that tomorrow I will be turning 22, I can't believe that I am this old. I know 22 isn't old, but it feels like just yesterday I was turning 16. Next month it will be our 6 year dating anniversary, which is even crazier. I am going to post some pictures of Alex and I, along with her toliet paper pictures. Enjoy!! Oh, and there is a picture of her playing in the dog water she spilled all over :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Alexandra at 9 months

Tomorrow is Alex's 9 month old birthday, and it is also the day that her daddy will be leaving her for the next year. We had Alyson come over to take some pictures of us today, and they turned out pretty well, I will post a few. I also have a video of Alex laughing to post too. Enjoy :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Alex is 9 months next week!

Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital waiting for Alex to get here and now she is almost 9 months old. I can't believe it!! I took a lot of pictures recently, and just haven't had the time to post them online yet. We have some pictures of her first pancake, falling asleep in her high chair, trying to get a picture of her standing by herself, and a few others. We also have a couple new videos, one of her eating her pancake, and one of her climbing up the stairs. Mike is getting ready to leave next week, so I have a picture of her with a monkey (Meso) that has a recording of his voice in it saying I love you monkey. He calls her monkey, and it is super cute. Anyway, I am getting excited for the summer, and I can't wait to go home for a couple months, it will be great. The picture of Mike combing her hair is halarious, it looks like one of the faces I would give him :).