Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving is the time to eat!!

So Mike and I decided that it was time to give Alex her first rice cereal on Thanksgiving. She absolutely loved it, and was ready to eat. She opened her mouth, and ate all of it. She only made a couple cute faces, but by the second time we feed her she got used to it. Here are some pictures, I have to edit the video to make it shorter but then I will post it. I actually got pictures of her smiling, I think she is getting used to the camera. Oh yeah, she was helping Mike open one of his early Christmas presents :).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bath Time !!!

We recently started putting her in the bath tub with a little bit of water so she can play. We took some pictures tonight of her in the water and a little video. I am going to add pictures and try to get the video on here too :).

Here are some pictures of her in the tub and then her afterwards with a clip in her hair. Her hair is getting really long, and it's almost to the point where we need to get it out of her eyes. We are going to start feeding her rice cereal within the next couple of weeks so I will make sure to post a video and pictures of her first experience with food.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some more pictures

Today before we went to work out I took some pictures of Alex. Here is a couple of us together, it's been a while since got a picture with her, so I made Mike take a couple.

I also tried to get her to smile while I was holding the camera, she would smiel and then stop smiling as soon as I brought the camera up to take the picture. I got one that is a little blurry though...

Okay I will post more later...the office is on :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

some recent pictures

Here are some pictures of Alex when she was sleeping on the floor :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Alex is growing...really fast

I have never done a blog before, so you will have to bare with me...I decided to make a blog so Alex's grandparents and extended family would be able to keep up with how much she is growing and how awesome she is :). I am at school right now so I will continue this later, but here is a recent picture of her :